Heartwarming Moment When Stray Cat Mom Sees Her Lost Kitten
The journey as a volunteer
Alongside a group of friends, she captures stray cats, takes them to the vet, and ensures they find a loving, permanent home. Recently, she found an adorable kitten in a tuxedo coat trapped in a basement, meowing for days. They couldn’t find the kitten’s mother nowhere.
Determined, the woman placed the kitten in a foster home and set out to find his mother. She was a skittish black cat, extremely fearful of humans. Then, they saw her searching for her kitten near the house and used food to lure her. Slowly and carefully, they managed to catch her and take her to the vet.
Reunion and foster care
At the vet, it was determined that she was around two years old and luckily, she was healthy. The rescuers named her Bagira and reunited her with her kitten, Locky.
The foster mom, thrilled to see Bagira, welcomed her into her home. Bagira, though cautious at first, soon felt safe and at ease.
So, the foster mom arranged an entire room to meet their needs, filled with toys, cat beds, and scratching posts.
Safe to enjoy the good things
Locky had already adjusted well to the foster home, while Bagira needed a few more days to feel comfortable. After three days, Bagira realized that this place where she could get endless treats and cuddles wasn’t so bad. She began purring and making air biscuits, while Locky played around energetically.
Thanks to these compassionate individuals, Bagira and Locky got a second chance at a better life.