MoeGray, A Fluffy Rescue Kitty With A Gigantic Personality Just Like Him
Here’s MoeGray for all of you!
This grey and white huge cat has magnificent yellow eyes. They are so mesmerizing, and I bet no one can take their eyes off of her. Apart from her appearance, let’s dive deeper into the life of fluffy MoeGray. Here are a few questions asked to his owners. Read more to get to know what they have to say about him.
When did you first meet Moe Gray?
My sister, Christine, and I took care of Moe Grey, my father’s cat after he could no longer take care of him. Later, on his Facebook page, I added the name Grey.
Who named Moe Gray?
He was originally named Moe by his first owner Bob who then gave him to my dad.
How would you describe his personality?
MoeGrey has a big personality. Almost as grumpy as he is, sweet, goofy loves being the center of attention.
Is there another cat or dog living with him at home?
I have a second cat named Chloe, who is 11 years old. Grey enjoys bothering her.
What is his favorite hobby?
Playing with his wand teaser toys, especially the feather ones, enjoying catnip, and going outside with me are some of his favorite things.