Poor Kitten Gets Cloudy Eyes After Being Struck By A Car
Pico’s Eyes Turns Cloudy
Under Monica’s devoted care, Pico’s life transformed. He explored like any cherished house cat, and endless affection flowed between them. However, a change in Pico’s eye condition raised concern. His eyes began to cloud over and swell.
A visit to the vet confirmed a common feline issue: his eyes turned milky, and his vision faded. Yet, Pico’s adventurous spirit remained undimmed by his encroaching blindness.
A Moon-like eyes
Pico’s distinctive appearance—large, moon-like eyes—quickly captured hearts on social media. People affectionately called him the ‘alien cat’ and ‘cosmic kitty.’ His story resonated globally, drawing admirers from far and wide.
The Vet’s Decision
But as Pico showed signs of discomfort, pawing at his eyes, Monica knew action was necessary. The vet recommended eye removal surgery to prevent further distress. It was a tough decision, but Monica trusted the medical professionals to ensure Pico’s well-being.
Health First for Pico
After the surgery, Monica shared an update, expressing relief and celebrating Pico’s resilience. He adapted remarkably well to his new reality. This reassured his followers that, despite his fame, Pico’s health came first.